HomeCoursesBuilding a Web Application with JavaScript and IndexedDB



Building a Web Application with JavaScript and IndexedDB
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Gain insights into building scalable web applications with IndexedDB. Learn database management, object stores, and advanced data optimization through a hands-on to-do list project.
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Course Overview

In this course, you will learn about IndexedDB, a powerful web-based storage system essential for building efficient and scalable web applications that require client-side storage. You will start this course by understanding the basics of IndexedDB, including accessing and connecting to databases, managing database versions, and performing fundamental operations such as listing and deleting databases. Next, you’ll explore the core concepts of object stores and transactions. You’ll learn how to create obje...Show More
In this course, you will learn about IndexedDB, a powerful web-based storage system essential for building efficient and scalabl...Show More


An understanding of IndexedDB and its ability to store large amounts of data
Hand-on experience managing data stores using IndexedDB
The ability to store large amounts of data on the client side using IndexedDB
Familiarity with core components of IndexedDB including object store, transaction, index, and cursor
The ability to create offline applications using IndexedDB
Working knowledge of IndexedDB, data integrity, and query performance
An understanding of IndexedDB and its ability to store large amounts of data

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