HomeCoursesBuilding Reactive Applications with RxJS



Building Reactive Applications with RxJS
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Learn about RxJS to write efficient asynchronous code. Explore subjects, operators, and observables. Gain insights into creating projects like a reactive local database and handling DOM events.
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Course Overview

RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) is a very powerful library for web development which allows you to easily write asynchronous or call-back code. In this course, you will explore the latest version of RxJS in detail, focusing on how to apply the reactive paradigm to solve your day-to-day tasks. You will learn all the major components of this library including: subjects, operators, and how to test observables. In the last section of this course, you will get hands-on with this library to create you...Show More
RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) is a very powerful library for web development which allows you to easily write asynch...Show More

Course Content


RxJS Subjects

3 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of RxJS Subjects, including Behavior, Replay, and Async Subjects.


Testing Observables

3 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of testing Observables in RxJS using Marble Tests for precision.


Real-World Projects in RxJS

7 Lessons

Take a closer look at implementing RxJS in real-world projects like loading indicators, DOM events, local databases, and error handling in SPAs.



1 Lessons

Investigate reactive programming concepts and RxJS for improved application design.
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