Development View
Learn about the development view in the 4+1 architectural model.
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There’s often a delicate balance between the final deployment and the components to be developed. In rare cases, there are few deployment constraints, and the designer can think freely about the components to be developed. A physical view will evolve from the development. In more common cases, there’s a specific target architecture that must be used, and elements of the physical view are fixed.
There are several ways to deploy this classifier as part of a larger application. We might build a desktop application, a mobile application, or a website. Because of the ubiquity of internetworked computers, one common approach is to create a website and connect to it from desktops and mobile apps.
Components of a Flask-based application
A web services architecture, for example, means requests can be made to a server; the responses could be HTML pages for presentation in a browser, or JSON documents that can be displayed by a mobile application. Some requests will provide whole new sets of training data. Other requests will be seek to classify unknown samples. We’ll discuss the architecture in the physical view. We might want to use the Flask framework to build a web service.
The following diagram shows some of the components we need would need to build for a Flask-based application: