Adding Rows
Learn how to dynamically add new rows using JavaScript so that no page refreshes are needed.
We'll cover the following...
Re-use fragments
Ideally, we want to reuse the fragment we’ve already used for generating the page. This will ensure that the layout and functionality of the rows that are generated at page render are exactly the same as the rows we add dynamically. To make it possible to reuse the fragment, we have to alter it slightly:
<div th:fragment="teamplayer-form"class="col-span-6 flex items-stretch"th:id="${'teamplayer-form-section-' + __${index}__}"th:object="${__${teamObjectName}__}">
On line 4, there’s an extra th:object
We’ll need to add an extra parameter teamObjectName
that will tell the fragment the name of the TeamFormData
binding object in the Model
. When rendering normally, this will be the name of the th:object
we already have on the full form in teams/edit.html
. When Thymeleaf needs to render the fragment alone, we will need to pass in a dummy object there. Otherwise, Thymeleaf will not be able to ...