Introduction to @WebMvcTest
Get introduced to testing utilities in Spring Boot.
Testing in Spring Boot
Spring Boot offers various utilities to start an application for testing, either fully or partially. We can use @SpringBootTest
as a class annotation for a JUnit test which will start our complete application, including an embedded Tomcat to serve the HTML pages.
However, for tests that will only test a controller for example, we don’t need to start the full application.
Spring Boot has test slices that allows us to start, say, only the database layer (@DataJpaTest
), the web layer (@WebMvcTest
), or the JSON converters (@JsonTest
), etc.
Using @WebMvcTest
We will use @WebMvcTest
since it is the test slice we want for testing our UserController
. The @WebMvcTest
annotation will automatically configure a mock servlet environment. Using MockMvc
, we can interact with our controller and validate requests and responses.
The following things will be created when using @WebMvcTest
beans (or only a single one when specifying the class name on the@WebMvcTest
annotation). -
beans. -
beans, so custom JSON serializers and deserializers will be active. -
beans. -
Filter beans.
beans. -
beans. -
Spring Security configuration beans.
What is not created?
If our controller needs any of the above four, we should:
add them by using
. -
add mock implementations by using
. -
Why are we not doing plain unit tests for controllers?
You might wonder why we are immediately doing an integration test and not a plain unit test. In the case of a controller, there is quite a lot going on in terms of annotations interpreted by the Spring Framework and the security configuration of the application. Moreover, as a good rule of thumb, a controller should not contain much logic but should instead delegate to helper classes (Services and/or repositories). Given all that, the value of a plain unit test would be minimal.
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