File Upload
Learn how to implement the file upload feature in the application.
We'll cover the following...
There are many applications that need file uploads in one form or another. Adding attachments to something or uploading an avatar for a user are two prime examples.
Implementing upload for avatars
Let’s add avatars for our users in the example application to show how file upload can be implemented. We start by adding an org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile
field to AbstractUserFormData
public class AbstractUserFormData {...private MultipartFile avatarFile;public MultipartFile getAvatarFile() {return avatarFile;}public void setAvatarFile(MultipartFile avatarFile) {this.avatarFile = avatarFile;}}
This will allow us to map a selected file in an <input type="file">
from the <form>
to the avatarFile
Create user form
Next, we’ll update CreateUserParameters
to also add a MultipartFile
public class CreateUserParameters {...private MultipartFile avatar;@Nullablepublic MultipartFile getAvatar() {return avatar;}public void setAvatar(MultipartFile avatar) {this.avatar = avatar;}}
When converting CreateUserFormData
to CreateUserParameters
, we’ll take the avatar field into account:
public CreateUserParameters toParameters() {CreateUserParameters parameters = new CreateUserParameters(new UserName(getFirstName(), getLastName()),password,getGender(),getBirthday(),new Email(getEmail()),new PhoneNumber(getPhoneNumber()));if (getAvatarFile() != null&& !getAvatarFile().isEmpty()) { //<.>parameters.setAvatar(getAvatarFile());}return parameters;}
In line 10, if the form data has a valid ...