Key Patterns in Redis
Learn about the KEYS command and how to use patterns to fetch the keys present in the Redis data store.
We'll cover the following...
To recap, we have discussed string, list, and set commands. Now, let’s discuss an important command to fetch all the keys present in our Redis data store.
command is used to fetch all the keys available in our Redis data store. The command requires a pattern to match and then fetches the keys matching the pattern. This command should not be heavily used in production or production-like environments where there’s a large amount of data. That's because fetching all those keys would slow down the system, and we may experience increased response time in our applications. Here are some reasons why using the KEYS
command in production environments can cause issues:
Blocking: When the
command is executed, Redis must scan the entire key space to find matching keys. This can be a time-consuming operation, especially if there’s a large number of keys in the database. While Redis is scanning the key space, other operations that require access to the key space can be blocked, leading to degraded performance and potentially even timeouts. ...