

String Operations with Redis Commands

String Operations with Redis Commands

Learn and practice frequently used Redis commands to store string data in the Redis data store.

Now we’re going to take a deep dive into the Redis world and learn its many concepts and commands. Let’s start by learning the different commands that are used to store, retrieve, and perform multiple actions on the data stored in string format. All Redis commands are case insensitive, but we’ll use commands in capital letters throughout the course for quick recognition. We’ll also implement a Node.js script to run all the commands using Node.js and the redis package that we discussed earlier.

Note: Redis is designed specifically for key-value operations, while other data storage technologies, like relational databases and document stores, are designed for different use cases. That being said, Redis string operations generally provide faster performance and lower latency than many other data storage technologies, especially for use cases where read and write speed is critical. However, Redis is limited by the amount of available memory, and larger data sets may require sharding or partitioning to achieve optimal performance. Additionally, Redis may not be the best choice for use cases that require complex querying or transaction support.

Basic Redis commands to store and retrieve data

We’ll learn six basic Redis commands to store and retrieve the data. They’re widely used and can be of great help in creating applications with Redis.

The SET command

As the name suggests, this command is used to set the key to store the given value in string format. This command returns the status as OK if the insertion of the data was successful; else, it returns ...