HomeCoursesBuilding User Interfaces and Functions with TypeScript and React



Building User Interfaces and Functions with TypeScript and React

Delve into TypeScript generics and learn to build reusable functions and React components for searching, sorting, and filtering data, enhancing both business logic and UI efficiency.
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TypeScript’s generics are a powerful tool that enables developers to ensure their code is flexible and reusable. Using generics can help developers manage exactly what types are used in functions and components around the application. In this course, we’ll first get an overview of TypeScript generics and create generic search and sort functions. Next, we’ll create a React component for searching that would leverage our generic search function. Then, we’ll create a generic function and a React component for...Show More
TypeScript’s generics are a powerful tool that enables developers to ensure their code is flexible and reusable. Using generics ...Show More


An understanding of generics in TypeScript
A working knowledge of how to create React components that accept generic arguments
Hands-on experience building React components with TypeScript
Ability to write, modify, and extend generic TypeScript functions
Ability to understand and describe various UI designs
An understanding of the tradeoffs involved in searching, sorting, and filtering functions
An understanding of generics in TypeScript

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1 Lessons

Get familiar with advanced TypeScript generics for creating reusable functions and React components.


TypeScript Generics Introduction

2 Lessons

Unpack the core of TypeScript generics to enhance code reusability and type safety.


Creating Mock Data for the Application

2 Lessons

Go hands-on with creating and rendering mock data to enhance application testing.


Building a Generic Search Function and UI Component

5 Lessons

Enhance search functionalities, create a dynamic search input, and implement a debounce mechanism.


Building a Generic Sort Function and UI Component

6 Lessons

Take a look at building reusable sort functions and UI components with TypeScript and React.


Building a Generic Filter Function and UI Component

3 Lessons

Investigate crafting versatile filter functions and dynamic React components for effective UI filtering.


Organizing Everything into a Single Generic Component

7 Lessons

Master the steps to unify and streamline UI components using a single orchestrating component.


Course Review and Final Comments

1 Lessons

Get familiar with developing reusable functions in TypeScript and React, using generics.



2 Lessons

Look at setting up the external environment and creating a custom TypeScript function.
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