How to Build The Demographic Form
Let's learn how to render and implement a component in a stateless LiveView.
The first part of the survey is the demographic section, and we’ll wrap up that section in a component. First, we’ll review how to implement and render a stateless component. We’ll build a stateless component and render it within the SurveyLive
LiveView. Then, we’ll dive into the component’s lifecycle. We’ll set the necessary component state and use it to render the form for creating a demographic.
Let’s do a quick refresher. Remember, we’ll render a component with live_component/3
with a socket, the component module, and some assigns
. A component is stateless if it doesn’t have an :id
key in assigns
. That means the component can be pretty simple, often with nothing more than a update/2
function and a template or a render.
Calling a stateless component in a LiveView
Let’s start by calling a stateless component in our SurveyLive
template. To do so, we open up the pento/lib/pento_web/live/survey_live.html.leex
, and add this:
<section class="row"><%= live_component @socket, PentoWeb.DemographicLive.FormComponent, content: "Hello to the Demographic Form Component" %></section>
This won’t work because we haven’t built the DemographicLive.FormComponent
yet. Still, we know where to put the new code. We’re starting dead simple, with a stateless component. We can tweak it to do what we want as we go.
Our next step is to define the DemographicLive.FormComponent
in pento/lib/pento_web/live/demographic_live/form_component.ex
, like this:
defmodule PentoWeb.DemographicLive.FormComponent douse PentoWeb, :live_componentend
Now add a corresponding template, in pento/lib/pento_web/live/demographic_live/form_comp