HomeCoursesBuilding Web-Based Games and Utility Projects Using JavaScript



Building Web-Based Games and Utility Projects Using JavaScript

Gain insights into JavaScript fundamentals while creating web-based games and utility projects. Discover DOM manipulation, classes, data structures, and enhance your career prospects in web development.
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JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages for creating interactive web pages, apps, and games. Knowing JavaScript can give you a huge edge in the job market. This course is for you if you want to learn JavaScript by creating hands-on projects instead of learning from theory. It will first introduce you to the basics of JavaScript, such as classes, objects, variables, and DOM manipulation. Then, it will help you create several web-based games and projects using different data structures, s...Show More
JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages for creating interactive web pages, apps, and games. Knowing JavaScr...Show More


A working knowledge of JavaScript
Hands-on experience working with several data structures
The ability to create games using JavaScript and data structures
Familiarity with the Phaser framework
A working knowledge of JavaScript

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Algorithm analysis

Game Development



Overview of the Course

1 Lessons

Get familiar with building JavaScript projects to enhance data structures and algorithmic skills.


COVID Fighter Game Using Arrays and Collision Algorithm

6 Lessons

Break down the steps to creating a COVID Fighter Game, implementing JavaScript arrays and collision algorithms.


Spin N Win Using Mathematics and Phaser.js

6 Lessons

Dig into creating a Spin-N-Win game with Phaser.js, animations, and mathematical logic.


Sudoku Using a Backtracking Algorithm

5 Lessons

See how it works to create, initialize, fetch, and solve Sudoku puzzles using backtracking.


Travel Planner Project Using Graphs

7 Lessons

Piece together the parts of creating a graph-based travel planner using JavaScript and visualization libraries.


Text Editor Using Stacks

5 Lessons

Walk through the creation of a text editor with undo functionality using stacks.


Frog Jump Game Using Greedy Algorithm

5 Lessons

Enhance your skills in creating a Frog Jump Game using the greedy algorithm and Phaser library.



1 Lessons

Delve into JavaScript execution, DOM manipulation, game development, algorithms, caching, and more.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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Trusted by 2.6 million developers working at companies

Hands-on Learning Powered by AI

See how Educative uses AI to make your learning more immersive than ever before.

Instant Code Feedback

Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

AI-Powered Mock Interviews

Adaptive Learning

Explain with AI

AI Code Mentor

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