HomeCoursesBulletproof Ruby on Rails Applications



Bulletproof Ruby on Rails Applications
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Gain insights into good testing practices in Ruby on Rails. Learn the testing mindset, convert requirements into user stories, and master feature, request, and unit tests for comprehensive coverage.
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Course Overview

This course aims to teach you how to write better Rails applications by applying good testing practices. You’ll learn about the reasoning behind testing and the process of applying good testing practices. In the first half of the course, you’ll learn about the testing mindset and understand its importance. Next, you’ll learn to turn business requirements into user stories. These user stories will become the basis of the code and tests you’ll write. Once you understand the reasoning and process, you’ll pr...Show More
This course aims to teach you how to write better Rails applications by applying good testing practices. You’ll learn about the ...Show More


An understanding of feature testing
An understanding of testing and its importance in building robust applications
An understanding of the importance of request tests and how to write them
The ability to write unit tests to cover edge cases
An understanding of feature testing

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Course Content


Before We Start

2 Lessons

Get familiar with enhancing coding practices through effective testing and problem-solving in Rails applications.


The Why Behind Testing

3 Lessons

Unpack the core of testing in Ruby, focusing on mindset, organizational support, and aligning with business goals.


The How Behind Testing

8 Lessons

Master the steps to effective user story creation and collaborative communication in testing.



4 Lessons

Break down complex ideas on planning effective tests for Ruby on Rails applications.



1 Lessons

Gain a comprehensive understanding of adopting a test-first approach and its benefits.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

AI-Powered Mock Interviews

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AI Code Mentor

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