Generate all Combinations of Balanced Parentheses
Generate all combinations of balanced parentheses for the n number of parentheses pairs.
We'll cover the following...
Write a function to generate all balanced combinations of pairs of parentheses.
Here are a few examples:
The test cases will use values of in the range of 1 to 6.
Sample input
Expected output
Try it yourself
#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <string>using namespace std;vector <string> GenerateCombinations(int n) {vector <string> result;// TODO: Write - Your - Codereturn result;}
The solution is to keep track of the number of opening and closing parentheses. We’ll use this count to add parentheses in a way that keeps the sequence valid.
- We only add an opening parenthesis if there is still one to add.
- We only add a closing parenthesis if its count does not exceed the number of opening parentheses.
The basic algorithm is as follows:
open_braces count: 0
close_braces count: 0
if open_braces count is less than n:
add open_braces and recurse further
if close_braces count is less than open_braces count:
add close_braces and recurse further
stop recursing when open_braces and close_braces counts are both equal to n
Let’s go through an example , to understand the solution. The output is shown at the leaf level.
Now let’s look at the code in our favorite language below:
#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <string>using namespace std;// The recursive backtracking functionvoid Backtrack(int n, // The input nint open_braces_count, // Count of the opening bracesint close_braces_count, // Count of the closing bracesvector <char> & output, // Stores the recursive outputvector <string> & result) {// Base case where count of opening and closing braces is nif (open_braces_count >= n && close_braces_count >= n) {string temp = string(output.begin(), output.end());result.push_back(temp);}// Case where we can still add opening bracesif (open_braces_count < n) {output.push_back('{');Backtrack(n, open_braces_count + 1, close_braces_count, output, result);output.pop_back();}// Case where we add closing braces if the current count// of closing braces is less than the count of opening bracesif (close_braces_count < open_braces_count) {output.push_back('}');Backtrack(n, open_braces_count, close_braces_count + 1, output, result);output.pop_back();}}vector <string> GenerateCombinations(int n) {vector <string> result;vector <char> output;Backtrack(n, 0, 0, output, result);return result;}int main() {vector <string> result;int n[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {cout<< i+1<<". n = "<<n[i]<<endl;cout<<" Combinations of all balanced parentheses:"<<endl;result = GenerateCombinations(n[i]);for (int j = 0; j < result.size(); j++) {cout << " " <<result[j] << endl;}cout<<"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;}}
Time complexity
As visualized in the slides above, it is easier to understand the problem by creating a tree. Given a tree with branching of ...