Product of All Array Elements Except Self
Calculate the product of all the elements of an array except the current element.
Given an integer array, nums
, return an array, answer
, such that answer[i]
is equal to the product of all the elements of nums
except nums[i]
Example 1
Sample input
nums = [1, 2, 3, 4]
Expected output
[24, 12, 8, 6]
Example 2
Sample input
nums = [-1, 1, 0, -3, 3]
Expected output
[0, 0, 9, 0, 0]
Try it yourself
#include <vector>#include <iostream>using namespace std;vector<int> ProductExceptSelf(vector<int> nums) {vector<int> answer;// write your code herereturn answer;}
Naive approach:
The naive solution ...