Is a Binary Search Tree Valid?
Given a binary tree, determine whether it's a valid binary search tree.
Given a binary tree, figure out whether it’s a valid binary search tree.
In a BST, each node’s key value is smaller than the key value of the right subtree nodes and greater than the key values of the left subtree nodes.
The following binary tree is an example of a valid BST:
The following binary trees are not valid BSTs:
Sample Input
The input list below represents the level-order traversal of the valid binary search tree above:
[100, 50, 200, 25, 75, 125, 350]
Expected Output
We can assume the following constraints:
INT.MIN < Node Value < INT.MAX
Try it yourself
Note: The binary tree node’s class has members
to store references to other nodes, along with the memberdata
to hold the node’s value.
#include "BinaryTree.cpp"using namespace std;bool IsBst(BinaryTreeNode* root) {// TODO: Write - Your - Codereturn false;}
Solution 1: Naive
The first solution that comes to mind is a naive one. We need to recursively check whether each node’s left subtree’s maximum value is less than its data, and its right subtree’s minimum value is greater than its data. Here are the steps we need to follow on each recursive call:
- The base case checks and returns true if the node passed is null.
- Iterate only through the left children of the left subtree to get the minimum node of the left subtree.
- Iterate only through the right children of the right subtree to get the maximum node of the right subtree.
- If the current node’s value is less than the minimum value of the left subtree or if the current node’s value is greater than the maximum value of the right subtree, return FALSE.
- Make a recursive call on both the left and right children of the current node.
This algorithm is highly inefficient as we explore both the right and left subtrees for each node.
Time complexity
The time complexity of this solution is quadratic, ...