/0 - 1 Knapsack Problem - Optimized Solution
0 - 1 Knapsack Problem - Optimized Solution
Build a space-optimized solution for the 0-1 Knapsack problem.
We'll cover the following...
Optimized solution
In the previous problem’s solution, if we observe carefully, we can see that the dp
solution with states (i, j) will depend on the state (i-1, j) or
(i-1, j-wt[i-1]). In either case, the solution for the state (i, j) will lie in the i - 1 row of the memoization
table. So at every iteration of the index, we can copy the values of the current row and use only this row
for building the solution in the next iteration and no other row will be used. Hence, at any iteration, we
will be using only a single row to build the solution for the current row. This is how we can reduce the space
complexity to just .
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