Chinese Remainder Theorem

Learn about the Chinese Remainder theorem that is very useful in solving coding interview problems.

Problem introduction

The Chinese Remainder theorem is used to solve problems typical of the form “Find a number which when divided by 2 leaves remainder 1, when divided by 3 leaves remainder 2, and when divided by 7 leaves remainder 5”. These problems can be reformulated into a system of linear congruence and can then be solved using the Chinese Remainder theorem. For example, the above problem can be expressed as a system of three linear congruences:

x ≡ 1 (mod 2), x ≡ 2 mod(3), x ≡ 5 mod (7)

We are given with two arrays, i.e., num[] and rem[]. For the above example, we can have num[] = {2, 3, 7} and rem[] = {1, 2, 5}. The Chinese Remainder theorem states that there always exists an x that satisfies given congruence. Basically, we are given k numbers which are pairwise co-prime and given remainders of these numbers when an unknown number x is divided by them. We need to find the minimum possible value of x that produces given remainders. In other words, we can say that there exists a value of x for the below relations:

x % num[0] = rem[0],
x % num[1] = rem[1],
x % num[k-1] = rem[k-1]


A naive approach is to find x is to start with 1 and one by one increment it and check if it is divisible with given elements in num[] and if it produces corresponding remainders in rem[]. Once we find such an x, we get our solution.

But obviously, the naive approach would have a large time complexity if the numbers are more. So, according to the Chinese Remainder theorem

x = 0<=i<=(n1)n\sum_{0<=i<=(n-1)}^n (rem[i] * pp[i] * inv[i])) % prod


  • rem[i] is the given array of remainders
  • prod is the product of all given numbers
  • prod = num[0] * num[1] * ... * num[k-1]
  • pp[i] is product of all except for num[i]
  • pp[i] = prod / num[i]
  • inv[i] = Modular Multiplicative Inverse of pp[i] with respect to num[i]

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