HomeCoursesCompetitive Programming - Crack Your Coding Interview, C++



Competitive Programming - Crack Your Coding Interview, C++

The ultimate guide to coding interviews. Developed by FAANG engineers. Boost problem-solving skills with number theory, dynamic programming, and graph theory. Get interview-ready in just a few hours.
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Whether you’re gearing up for online coding challenges, code-a-thons, or interviews, then this course is for you. With this course, you will solidify your problem-solving skills ensuring a swift sail through any problem. You will be tasked with solving some of the most frequently asked questions that are brought up in FAANG interviews. You will start with the concepts of Number Theory and Divide and Conquer, and gradually move towards more complex problems like dynamic programming and graph theory. Wit...Show More
Whether you’re gearing up for online coding challenges, code-a-thons, or interviews, then this course is for you. With this cour...Show More


Learn about various Algorithms related to Number Theory
Implement Divide and Conquer and Greedy Algorithms
Learn how to solve Recursion and Backtracking problems
Understand the concept of Dynamic Programming by solving problems
Implement various Algorithms related to Graphs
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Learn about various Algorithms related to Number Theory

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1 Lessons

Get familiar with coding interview prep, advanced C++ topics, and problem-solving techniques.


Divide and Conquer

4 Lessons

Break apart the concepts of Binary Search, element occurrence, and partition problems efficiently.


Dynamic Programming

23 Lessons

Focus on using dynamic programming for solving optimization problems, from Fibonacci to knapsack.


Bonus Lessons

4 Lessons

Learn how to use advanced techniques in bit-masking, segment trees, and unique number identification.
Certificate of Completion
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