

Challenge: State Management

Challenge: State Management

Test your understanding of state management in Flutter.

In this challenge, you’ll learn how to manage your Flutter app’s state using a different state management solution.


Use the Riverpod framework to manage the state in your to-do app.


  1. When the user adds a new task, it is successfully added to the task list.
  2. When a user checks a task, the task color changes, and the application strikes through the task’s text.
  3. When a user deletes a task, it is successfully removed from the task list.

Starter code

Before you begin the challenge, look at the starter code below and run it. Once done, you can dive into the challenges given below.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
// TODO 3a: Import flutter_riverpod package

import 'presentation/my_app.dart';

void main() {
    const MyApp(), // TODO 3b: Wrap MyApp widget with ProviderScope
State management challenge—initial code


You’ll work on the challenges in the starter code above.

Challenge 1: Add packages

In this challenge, you’ll add the necessary packages to get you started with Riverpod. ...