Local Database

Learn to persist data with SQLite.

In this lesson, we’ll persist the cart data using SQLite. Using SQLite will require some knowledge of SQL. You can review the An Introductory Guide to SQL course on Educative.

This lesson uses the sqflite plugin to create, read, update, and delete cart items and the path package to manipulate paths.

You will work on the app below:

// Route constants
const String productsOverviewRoute = '/';
const String productDetailRoute = '/product-detail';
const String cartScreenRoute = '/cart-screen';
const String settingsScreenRoute = '/settings-screen';

// Prefs Constants
const prefStringKey = 'username';
const prefNumKey = 'phoneNumber';
const prefBoolKey = 'theme';
E-commerce app initial code

Adding dependencies

Add the sqflite plugin to the pubspec.yaml file. Locate # TODO-1: Add dependency and add the dependency shown below:

Press + to interact
sqflite: ^2.0.2
path: ^1.8.1

Note: Import the dependencies into the necessary files.

Defining constants

In the lib/utility/local_database.dart file, locate // TODO-2: Add field constants and define constants for the database name, database version, and the cart ...