Solution: Quality Assurance

Explore solutions to the widget testing challenge.

Challenge solutions

Great job on completing all the steps in the previous challenge! Feel free to compare your code solutions with the solutions below:

Solution 1: Test if the tasks are visible

  1. Pump the TasksList widget in readiness for testing.

        // Build the widget to test
        await tester.pumpWidget(
            MaterialApp(home: Scaffold(body: tasksListWidget)),
  2. Use finder functions to confirm that tasks are shown on screen.

        // Verify that tasks are shown
        expect(find.text('Task 1'), findsOneWidget);
        expect(find.text('Task 2'), findsOneWidget);
        expect(find.text('Task 3'), findsOneWidget);

Solution 2: Test if the tasks can be dismissed

  1. Drag a task to dismiss it from the screen.

        // Drag the task to dismiss it
        await tester.drag(
            of: find.text('Task 2'),
            matching: find.byWidgetPredicate((w) => w is CheckboxListTile),
          const Offset(500, 0),
  2. Wait till the drag to dismiss action is completed.

        // Wait for the task to be dismissed and delete confirmation SnackBar shown
        await tester.pumpAndSettle();
  3. Test that the task has been removed from the screen and a SnackBar has been shown to the user, confirming that the task is deleted.

        // Verify that the task is deleted and a SnackBar is shown
        expect(find.text('Task 2'), findsNothing);
        final snackBarFinder = find.byType(SnackBar);
        expect(snackBarFinder, findsOneWidget);

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