

Software Development Process Methodologies

Software Development Process Methodologies

Learn about the commonly used software development process methodologies such as waterfall and spiral model.

Software development process methodologies

Previously, we learned how to get the software to our users. When we’re done writing and testing it, we should take a closer look at the actual development process.

Since the 1960s, different methodologies have been developed to help system developers be more productive, on target, and create higher quality code. Here, we’ll take a look at some of the more essential methodologies—some that are in use today and some that have been superseded by newer and more flexible ones.

Waterfall development

The waterfall development model is one that typically the least preferred. We’ll look at it anyway, because many newer methodologies have been developed as a reaction to it.

The reason it’s not preferred is that it won’t take changing requirements into account.

In the waterfall model, several defined steps are completed, one preceding the next. ...