Home>Courses>Computing Matrix Algebra with R and Rcpp



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Computing Matrix Algebra with R and Rcpp

Gain insights into coding matrix algebra operations in R and Rcpp. Explore matrix summation, multiplication, LU factorization, and eigendecomposition. Discover applications in machine learning, signal and image processing.
Gain insights into coding matrix algebra operations in R and Rcpp. Explore matrix summation, multiplication, LU factorization, and eigendecomposition. Discover applications in machine learning, signal and image processing.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

38 Lessons
61 Playgrounds
12 Quizzes
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

Matrix algebra is the foundation for machine learning, signal processing, image processing, and many other popular algorithms. It is very important that aspiring computer scientists get a solid understanding of the subject, and there’s no better way to achieve this than coding matrix algebra operations. The course aims to teach you how to code matrix algebra operations in R, and with main C++ matrix algebra libraries: RcppArmadillo and RcppEigen. Moreover, to clarify the matrix algebra operations, a simpl...Show More
Matrix algebra is the foundation for machine learning, signal processing, image processing, and many other popular algorithms. I...Show More

What You'll Learn

An understanding of introductory matrix algebra
Working knowledge of coding matrix algebra operations in R
Ability to implement simple matrix algebra algorithm in Rcpp
Hands on experience of using RcppArmadillo and RcppEigen in R
An understanding of introductory matrix algebra

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with practical matrix algebra computation using R, Rcpp, and C++ libraries.


Assignment Operator

3 Lessons

Get started with matrix assignments in R and Rcpp, plus a hands-on challenge.


Addition of Matrices

3 Lessons

Break apart the principles of matrix addition and reinforce through quizzes and challenges.


Scalar Multiplication of Matrices

3 Lessons

Build a foundation in scalar multiplication of matrices with R and Rcpp.


Multiplication of Matrices

3 Lessons

Solve problems in matrix multiplication with R and Rcpp through practical exercises and quizzes.


Transposition of Matrices

3 Lessons

Tackle transposing matrices in R and C++, assessing understanding, and checking symmetry.


Determinant of a Matrix

3 Lessons

Practice using tools to calculate, interpret, and analyze matrix determinants efficiently.


Inverse of a Matrix

3 Lessons

Learn how to use R to compute and verify matrix inversions effectively.


System of Linear Equations

3 Lessons

Solve challenges with linear equations using R and C++, including quizzes and coding tasks.


LU Matrix Factorization

3 Lessons

Go hands-on with LU matrix factorization to decompose matrices and efficiently solve linear systems.


Cholesky Factorization

3 Lessons

Break down complex ideas of Cholesky factorization, tests, and practical challenges in R.


QR Matrix Factorization

3 Lessons

Solve problems in QR factorization, validate with quizzes, and implement coding challenges.



3 Lessons

See how it works to decompose matrices into eigenvalues and eigenvectors using R and Rcpp.


Wrapping It Up

1 Lessons

Build on knowledge of matrix algebra and R for future learning opportunities.

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