HomeCoursesCreating Alpine Linux Packages



Creating Alpine Linux Packages
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Gain insights into creating Alpine Linux packages. Delve into APKBUILDs, packaging basics, and repository management. Discover quality assurance and enhance your Alpine Linux and DevOps skills.
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Course Overview

In this course, you will learn how packaging software works in Alpine Linux, the most popular Docker Linux distribution. You’ll first learn the basics: what is Alpine Linux and what are its advantages over other distributions, especially in a Docker environment? Next, you’ll cover the basics of packaging software: what are apk and APKBUILD, where should files be installed, and how can we create basic APKBUILDs and submit them for inclusion in Alpine Linux official repositories? You’ll also learn what makes...Show More
In this course, you will learn how packaging software works in Alpine Linux, the most popular Docker Linux distribution. You’ll...Show More


A general understanding of packaging software in Linux
Hands-on experience with implementation of packaging software in Alpine Linux
An ability to propose addition of new packages to the official Alpine Linux repositories
A working knowledge of Bash and its application to create APK packages
A general understanding of packaging software in Linux

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Bash scripts

Course Content



5 Lessons

Get familiar with creating, managing, and utilizing Alpine Linux packages and repositories effectively.


Using abuild

3 Lessons

Unpack the core of installing and building Alpine Linux packages with abuild.


Alpine's FHS

4 Lessons

Break apart Alpine's FHS, configure build systems, and adjust file locations for compliance.


Creating Your First APKBUILD

3 Lessons

Apply your skills to packaging projects, adjusting templates, and contributing to Alpine repositories.


Creating More Complex APKBUILDs

5 Lessons

Dive into creating complex APKBUILDs for C++ projects, managing dependencies, and source patching.


Hosting Our Own APK Repository

3 Lessons

Follow the process of setting up and sharing a private APK repository using a web server.


Additional APKBUILD Examples

4 Lessons

Practice using advanced APKBUILD techniques to manage subpackages, support various languages, and create reproducible snapshots.



1 Lessons

Step through key concepts in Alpine Linux packaging, including FHS and APKBUILD files.
Certificate of Completion
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