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Become a Blockchain Developer
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Gain insights into blockchain technology, delve into cryptography, explore Hyperledger Fabric, and learn to deploy networks, chaincode, and manage user identities through hands-on development.
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Course Overview

In this course, we will build blockchain concepts from the ground up. We will start with basic cryptography constructs, like hash functions and PKI encryption, to first build a solid base for understanding blockchain and appreciate its value. Then, we will explore the Hyperledger Fabric technology by IBM using hands-on development environment within your browser. This course is a great starting point for engineers looking to develop expertise in blockchain technology with Hyperledger Fabric specialty. In th...Show More
In this course, we will build blockchain concepts from the ground up. We will start with basic cryptography constructs, like has...Show More




Course Content


Introduction - Understanding Blockchain

7 Lessons

Get familiar with blockchain fundamentals, addressing trust issues in various industries.


The technology pre-reqs for understanding blockchain

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of cryptography, hash functions, public key cryptography, digital signatures, and PKI for blockchain.


Blockchain data storage

3 Lessons

Examine blockchain's decentralized data storage, interactive playground experimentation, and its distributed network structure.


Understanding the value of blockchain (Bitcoin example)

3 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Bitcoin's history, mining process, and factors driving its value.


Hyperledger Fabric - Concepts

4 Lessons

Take a closer look at Hyperledger Fabric's core concepts, including network structure, transaction processing, and development components.


STEP 1: Deploy first Fabric Network

2 Lessons

Tackle deploying a Hyperledger Fabric network using Docker, including setup, initialization, and configuration.


STEP 2: Write and deploy Chaincode

2 Lessons

Master the steps to write and deploy chaincode for secure blockchain interactions.


STEP 3: Create a Client Application

4 Lessons

Step through creating a client application, integrating wallets, identities, and deploying on blockchain.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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