Complete Implementation of Hash Tables
Combine all the parts into one executable code to see if it runs on the given driver. If it does, this means that our Hash Table works perfectly.
We'll cover the following...
Assembled Operations
In this lesson, we will combine all the pieces into one executable code and run it on a given driver without any errors:
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import java.util.ArrayList;// Class to represent entire hash tableclass HashTable{// to store chains of slotsprivate ArrayList<HashEntry> bucket;// num of slots in each bucketprivate int slots;// total hashed keysprivate int size;public HashTable(){bucket = new ArrayList <HashEntry>();slots = 5;size = 0;//Initialize nodesfor (int i = 0; i < slots; i++)bucket.add(null);}public int size() { return size; }public boolean isEmpty() { return size() == 0; }//Look for the index based on key// search functionprivate int getIndex(String key){int hashCode = key.hashCode();int index = hashCode % slots;return index;}//delete a valuepublic int delete(String key){//Look for the index based on keyint b_Index = getIndex(key);HashEntry head = bucket.get(b_Index);// Search the key in slotsHashEntry prev = null;while (head != null){// If the key existsif (head.key.equals(key))break;//If the key not found yetprev = head;head =;}// If the key does not existif (head == null)return 0;size--;// Delete the value by keyif (prev != null) =;elsebucket.set(b_Index,;return head.value;}//to get a value for key from tablepublic int get(String key){int b_Index = getIndex(key);HashEntry head = bucket.get(b_Index);// Find the key in slotswhile (head != null){if (head.key.equals(key))return head.value;head =;}// If key does not existreturn 0;}// Insert the key into tablepublic void insert(String key, int value){int b_Index = getIndex(key);HashEntry head = bucket.get(b_Index);// See if the key existswhile (head != null){if (head.key.equals(key)){head.value = value;return;}head =;}// Insert key into the bucketsize++;head = bucket.get(b_Index);HashEntry new_slot = new HashEntry(key, value); = head;bucket.set(b_Index, new_slot);//If 60% of the array gets filled, double the sizeif ((1.0*size)/slots >= 0.6){ArrayList <HashEntry> temp = bucket;bucket = new ArrayList<>();slots = 2 * slots;size = 0;for (int i = 0; i < slots; i++)bucket.add(null);for (HashEntry head_Node : temp){while (head_Node != null){insert(head_Node.key, head_Node.value);head_Node =;}}}}}