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Getting Started with Python
Python Data Types
Python Collection Data Types
Conditional Statements and Loops
Functions in Python
File Handling in Python
Python Libraries and Frameworks
Quiz: Python
Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL)
What is Machine Learning?
Supervised Learning: Regression
Supervised Learning: Classification
Unsupervised Learning
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks
Recurrent Neural Networks
Transfer Learning
Quiz: ML and DL
Customer Segmentation with K-Means Clustering
TensorFlow (TF)
TensorFlow Framework
TensorFlow Core: Low-Level TF API
TF Constants and Variables
TF Ops (Part 1)
TF Ops (Part 2)
Building Graphs and Visualizing Using TensorBoard
Quiz: TF
Cats vs Dogs Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks
Dataset Processing Using TensorFlow
Loading and Generating a Dataset
Data Preprocessing (Part 1)
Data Preprocessing (Part 2)
Data Splits Using the Slicing API
TF’s Image Processing Module (Part 1)
TF‘s Image Processing Module (Part 2)
Data Augmentation
Quiz: Data Processing Using TF
Keras: High-Level TF API
Keras Layers API (Part 1)
Keras Layers API (Part 2)
Keras Sequential API
Keras Functional API
Model Subclassing (Part 1)
Model Subclassing (Part 2)
Image Processing Layers
Image Augmentation Layers
DL Model Training, Testing, and Evaluation
Saving and Loading a TF Model
Transfer Learning for Custom Model Creation
Quiz: Keras
Diabetes Prediction Using Keras
Quick Start with Android Apps
Structure of Android Apps
App Layout
Manifest File
App Activities
Intents and Intent Filters (Part 1)
Intents and Intent Filters (Part 2)
Broadcast Receivers
Content Providers
Quiz: Android Apps
TensorFlow (TF) Lite
TF Lite Framework
TF Model Conversion to TF Lite (Part 1)
TF Model Conversion to TF Lite (Part 2)
Model Optimization and Quantization
TF Lite Model Maker Library
TF Lite Interpreter (Part 1)
TF Lite Interpreter (Part 2)
TF Lite Model Metadata
Quiz: TF Lite
Image Classification Apps Using TF Lite
Inference Using the TF Lite Model
App Structure
The MainActivity Class
The ImageClassifier Class
The Horses vs. Humans Classification App
TF Lite Task Library
Image Classification App Using Task Library
Object Detection Apps Using TF Lite
Object Detection Using TF
App Structure
TF Lite Object Detection Model with Metadata
Task Library and ObjectDetector API
Object Detection App Using the Task Library
ML Kit for Pretrained Models
Object Detection App Using the ML Kit
Kotlin Basics
Kotlin Lambdas and Higher-Order Functions
Kotlin Keyword to Reference Single Parameter
Kotlin Classes
More Kotlin Keywords
Kotlin Generics
Mini Project
DL Model Using TF, Keras, and TF Lite
Deep Learning for Android Apps
Quiz: TF
Quiz: TF
Assess your understanding of TensorFlow and related concepts.
We'll cover the following...