

Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised Learning

Understand the importance of unsupervised learning tasks such as clustering and dimensionality reduction and implement them using the sklearn library.

Unsupervised learning aims to find patterns and structures within the given data. Learning algorithms in this category work on the input features without labels, i.e., the features are provided to unsupervised methods with no corresponding output labels.

The figure above differentiates supervised and unsupervised learning. Supervised learning (left) shows two-dimensional data points (xx and yy features) that belong to either the green circle class or blue square class. During the training/learning, we find the best separator (pink line) between these two classes. However, in unsupervised learning (right), two-dimensional data points don’t have any associated label. Here, we aim to find data patterns or clusters based on the resemblance between data points. Two different clusters, shown as rotated ellipses in the figure above, group the data.

There are two main types of unsupervised learning:

  • Clustering (grouping of the data)

  • Dimensionality reduction


Clustering algorithms group the data into different categories based on similar features. Let’s assume there are only two features in a given dataset. The labels of the input data are not known. A clustering algorithm ...