Saving and Loading a TF Model
Learn to save a DL model in HDF5 format using Keras, and load existing HDF5 models from storage.
Large DL models working on a huge amount of data can take days or even weeks to train. To save time, we need to save/load these models to/from the disk or a storage device. We can save Keras model architectures as well as model weights to files and load them to make predictions. The portable HDF format stores model weights and the JSON format stores the model architecture. We can either save the model weights and architecture separately in different files or together in a single file. Let’s learn to store and load model weights and architectures.
Hierarchical data format
Hierarchical data format (HDF) facilitates the storage and portability of large, multidimensional numeric arrays. Therefore, it can store well-organized scientific data. Keras usually uses HDF format to store model weights. HDF5 is the common format for storing model weights that simplifies the file structure ...