

What Kind of Games Can We Put on the Blockchain?

What Kind of Games Can We Put on the Blockchain?

Learn about the kind of games that can be implemented on the blockchain.

Types of P2E games

In terms of complexity, P2E games range anywhere from a simple coin flip, such as Polyflip's (which nonetheless generated more than $5 million in volume, as of the time of writing), to full-blown 3D MMORPGs with thousands of simultaneous players, such as Yuga Labs' Otherside.

It means that any game can potentially be a P2E. However, for the purpose of blockchain development, the following features matter:

  • Whether the access to the game is NFT-gated or open to anyone.

  • Whether the game has its own cryptocurrency or uses the native currency of the blockchain (ETH in the case of Ethereum).

  • Whether the game is single or multiplayer. For our own purpose, we'll look at a multiplayer game as a game where players can compete against each other or collaborate, and a single-player game as a game where each player competes separately.

  • Whether the game provides verifiable randomness or not, that is, whether the platform allows players to see how pseudo-random numbers are generated.

  • What parts of the games are computed and stored on-chain versus off-chain? ...

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