HomeCoursesDeveloping Web Applications with PHP



Developing Web Applications with PHP
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Explore creating scalable PHP web applications, structuring code efficiently, managing data storage, and implementing automated testing to ensure robustness and maintainability in real-world projects.
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Course Overview

This course is for people who have already learned the basics of PHP (or just finished the "Learn PHP from Scratch" course) and want the bigger picture of making big web applications with this language. First, you'll learn how all PHP web applications communicate with the world and how to turn multiple source code files into one application. Then you'll learn multiple approaches to structuring the whole application. It will help you write code that's easy to maintain. Also, this is a common topic for job i...Show More
This course is for people who have already learned the basics of PHP (or just finished the "Learn PHP from Scratch" course) and ...Show More


An understanding of communication between the client and PHP web applications using HTTP and REST APIs with JSON
The ability to structure PHP code files effectively
Knowledge of PHP application architecture, routing, MVC, SOLID principles and dependency injection containers
The ability to store state using different methods such as cache, user sessions and files
Knowledge of relational and NoSQL databases, SQL, database transactions and object-relational mappers
An understanding of advanced architecture patterns, including Domain-Driven Design data and service classes
An understanding of communication between the client and PHP web applications using HTTP and REST APIs with JSON

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with essential PHP web development concepts, project structuring, and practical mini projects.


Communicating with the Client

5 Lessons

Solve challenges with HTTP communication, HTML creation, PHP dynamics, and RESTful APIs.


Structuring Code Files

5 Lessons

Work your way through organizing and autoloading PHP code with Composer, ensuring structured directories.


Application Architecture Basics

5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of routing, MVC architecture, SOLID principles, and dependency injection in PHP.


Storing State

4 Lessons

Map out the steps for managing state using cache, user sessions, and files in PHP applications.


Advanced Architecture Patterns

5 Lessons

Sharpen your skills in advanced architecture patterns, including DDD, data classes, services, and hexagonal architecture.



1 Lessons

Look at advancing PHP skills through projects, essential tools, security, and continuous learning.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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