

Solution: Printing a Diamond of Variable Size

Solution: Printing a Diamond of Variable Size

Go over the implementation of printing a variable-sized diamond shape.

Courtney's version

puts "Enter the maximum number of rows (odd number):"
size = gets.chomp.to_i
space = " "
space_count = size / 2 + 1
size.times do |row|
    if row < (size / 2 + 1)
        space_count -= 1
        hash_count  = row * 2 + 1
        print space * space_count
        space_count += 1
        hash_count = (size - 1 - row) * 2 + 1 
        print space * space_count
    puts '#' * hash_count 
User defined diamond


  • Line 2: We get input from the user and convert the string input to integer type using .to_i at the end of the gets.chomp.

  • Line 5: ...