

Solution Review: Place N Queens on an NxN Chessboard

Solution Review: Place N Queens on an NxN Chessboard

In this lesson, we will go over the solution to the challenge from the previous lesson.

We'll cover the following...

Solution #

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def isSafe(i, j, board):
for c in range(len(board)):
for r in range(len(board)):
# check if i,j share row with any queen
if board[c][r] == 'q' and i==c and j!=r:
return False
# check if i,j share column with any queen
elif board[c][r] == 'q' and j==r and i!=c:
return False
# check if i,j share diagonal with any queen
elif (i+j == c+r or i-j == c-r) and board[c][r] == 'q':
return False
return True
def nQueens(r, n, board):
# base case, when queens have been placed in all rows return
if r == n:
return True, board
# else in r-th row, check for every box whether it is suitable to place queen
for i in range(n):
if isSafe(r, i, board):
# if i-th columns is safe to place queen, place the queen there and check recursively for other rows
board[r][i] = 'q'
okay, newboard = nQueens(r+1, n, board)
# if all next queens were placed correctly, recursive call should return true, and we should return true here too
if okay:
return True, newboard
# else this is not a suitable box to place queen, and we should check for next box
board[r][i] = '-'
return False, board
def placeNQueens(n, board):
return nQueens(0, n, board)[1]
def main():
n = 4
board = [["-" for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(n)]
qBoard = placeNQueens(n, board)
qBoard = "\n".join(["".join(x) for x in qBoard])
print (qBoard)


Let’s break down what we did there. The basic idea is to place the queen at all possible positions to find out what fits our needs. We start off placing a ...