HomeCoursesDynamic Programming in Python: Optimizing Programs for Efficiency



Dynamic Programming in Python: Optimizing Programs for Efficiency
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Gain insights into dynamic programming, explore recursion basics, and delve into advanced techniques like Bottom-Up optimization. Discover ways to solve complex problems more efficiently with hands-on coding challenges.
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Course Overview

Dynamic programming is something every developer should have in their toolkit. It allows you to optimize your algorithm with respect to time and space — a very important concept in real-world applications. In this course, you’ll start by learning the basics of recursion and work your way to more advanced DP concepts like Bottom-Up optimization. Throughout this course, you will learn various types of DP techniques for solving even the most complex problems. Each section is complete with coding challenges of...Show More
Dynamic programming is something every developer should have in their toolkit. It allows you to optimize your algorithm with res...Show More

Course Content


Chapter 2: Top-Down Dynamic Programming with Memoization

7 Lessons

Get started with efficient top-down dynamic programming using memoization techniques for optimization.


Chapter 4: Practice Problems

17 Lessons

Apply your skills to solve diverse dynamic programming challenges efficiently and enhance problem-solving techniques.
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