/Solution Review: The Catalan Numbers
Solution Review: The Catalan Numbers
In this lesson, we will review some solutions to the Catalan numbers challenge from the last lesson.
Solution 1: Simple recursion #
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def catalan(n):if n == 0: # base case; C(0) = 1return 1sum = 0# iterate from 1...n to evaluate: C(0)*C(n-1) + C(1)*C(n-2) ... + C(n-1)*C(0)for i in range(n):sum += (catalan(i) * catalan(n-1-i)) # C(i)*C(n-1-i)return sumprint(catalan(4))
This is a much simpler problem. The only thing we need to figure out is how to convert the following summation equation into code: