Configuring AWS Account

Learn how to create an AWS account and an IAM user.

As DynamoDB is provided by AWS, it’s necessary to first create an AWS account to be able to use it. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create an account in AWS.

Creating an AWS account

To create an AWS account, it’s important to carry out the following steps:

  1. Go to .
  2. Hit the “Create an AWS Account” button.
  3. Type your email address, password and the name for your account.
  4. Provide your contact information.
  5. Fill in your credit card information. It is worth mentioning that AWS will charge you $1.
  6. Confirm your identity.
  7. Once you receive the verification code, you can type it.
  8. Select your support plan.
  9. Congrats! You’ve created your AWS account.
  10. It’s time to log in, type your email and choose Root user.
  11. Confirm that you are not a robot.
  12. Type your password.
  13. Welcome to the AWS console!

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