HomeCoursesEffective Unit and Integration Testing in Scala



Effective Unit and Integration Testing in Scala
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Gain insights into effective unit and integration testing in Scala. Learn about ScalaTest, Mockito, ScalaCheck, and Docker/TestContainers to enhance testing quality and maintainability.
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Course Overview

Testing is a fundamental part of writing software. Tests should be written with as much care as we put into designing and coding our applications. Still, writing clean and well-organized test cases can be difficult. In many cases, their quality is lower than that of the rest of the application. This can seriously impact the overall quality and maintainability of the project in the long run. The focus of this course is on unit and integration tests in Scala. First, you’ll learn about the most famous testing...Show More
Testing is a fundamental part of writing software. Tests should be written with as much care as we put into designing and coding...Show More


A working knowledge of ScalaTest and its best practices
An understanding of property-based testing
An understanding of mocking and test doubles
Hands-on experience with mocking infrastructural dependencies via Docker containers
The ability to design and write effective tests in Scala
A working knowledge of ScalaTest and its best practices

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Unit Testing

Testing via Docker

Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with the significance of testing in Scala, focusing on test types and best practices.


Brief Introduction to Scala and sbt

3 Lessons

Look at Scala's paradigms, sbt's build capabilities, and effective project layouts for testing.


Mocking with ScalaMock

5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of using ScalaMock for effective unit testing in Scala.


Property-Based Testing with ScalaCheck

5 Lessons

Take a closer look at property-based testing concepts, table-driven checks, and ScalaCheck integration.


Mocking External Services with TestContainers-scala

4 Lessons

Tackle mock external services in integration testing using TestContainers-scala and Docker.



1 Lessons

Build on key ScalaTest practices, advanced features, ScalaCheck, Mockito, and Docker-based integration testing.
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