Building an Ad-hoc HTTP Server
Get familiarized with the approach of building an ad-hoc HTTP server.
We'll cover the following...
Let’s go back to the weather API use case.
Press + to interact
#file path -> soggy_waffle/lib/soggy_waffle/weather_api.ex@behavior SoggyWaffle.WeatherAPI.Behavior@spec get_forecast(String.t()) ::{:ok, map()} | {:error, reason :: term()}def get_forecast(city) when is_binary(city) doapp_id = SoggyWaffle.api_key()query_params = URI.encode_query(%{"q" => city, "APPID" => app_id})url ="" <> query_paramscase HTTPoison.get(url) do{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200} = response} ->{:ok, Jason.decode!(response.body)}{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: status_code}} ->{:error, {:status, status_code}}{:error, reason} ->{:error, reason}endend
The weather API exposes a GET /data/2.5/forecast
endpoint that we hit from our application. This endpoint accepts two parameters in the query string:
- Parameter
represents the query. APPID
, which identifies the credentials of our application.
The endpoint returns a 200 OK
HTTP response with a JSON body containing information ...