/Schema Integration with Database
Schema Integration with Database
Learn how to update our schema to work with the database.
We'll cover the following...
We’re now ready to update our schema to match this table.
Updating our schema for database
Technically we’ll update a copy to the schema to make changes without breaking our other test files.
Let’s copy testing_ecto/lib/schemas/user_basic_schema.ex
to a new file called testing_ecto/lib/schemas/user_database_schema.ex
. We’ll copy the test file to match later. For now, we’ve updated the schema file to look like this:
Note: The changes are consolidated for you in the below-given widget. Simply replace the contents in the specified file.
Press + to interact
#file path -> testing_ecto/lib/schemas/user_database_schema.ex#replace the code at the indicated place mentioned in comments of testing_ecto/#lib/schemas/user_database_schema.ex in the playground widgetdefmodule TestingEcto.Schemas.UserDatabaseSchema douse Ecto.Schemaimport Ecto.Changeset@timestamps_opts type: :utc_datetime_usec@primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}@optional_fields [:id, :favorite_number]schema "users" dofield(:date_of_birth, :date)field(:email, :string)field(:favorite_number, :float)field(:first_name, :string)field(:last_name, :string)field(:phone_number, :string)timestamps()enddefp all_fields do__MODULE__.__schema__(:fields)enddef changeset(params) do%__MODULE__{}|> cast(params, all_fields())|> validate_required(all_fields() -- @optional_fields)|> unique_constraint(:email)endend
Let’s look at what changes we have made to our code ...