/Testing the Actual Interaction with Services
Testing the Actual Interaction with Services
Learn different approaches of how to test the application code that talks to the actual API.
We'll cover the following...
When working with third-party APIs like the weather API, we push the code that integrates with the API outside our application in a lightweight wrapper. When we’re testing our application, we’re able to swap out that small part with a double to run the rest of our application. However, we also need to make sure that the code that interacts with the API works. We’ll need a test for that.
In our weather API application, the code that interacts with the weather API is this:
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defmodule SoggyWaffle.WeatherAPI do@behaviour SoggyWaffle.WeatherAPI.Behaviour@spec get_forecast(String.t()) ::{:ok, map()} | {:error, reason :: term()}def get_forecast(city) when is_binary(city) doapp_id = SoggyWaffle.api_key()query_params = URI.encode_query(%{"q" => city, "APPID" => app_id})url ="https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?" <> query_paramscase HTTPoison.get(url) do{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200} = response} ->{:ok, Jason.decode!(response.body)}{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: status_code}} ->{:error, {:status, status_code}}{:error, reason} ->{:error, reason}endendend
We’re using HTTPoison as our HTTP client. The get/1
function lets us send a GET ...