HomeCoursesBuilding Enterprise Applications with Spring Boot



Building Enterprise Applications with Spring Boot
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Gain insights into Spring Boot, delve into auto-configuration, database integration, and web services, and learn to build a functional "Elite Club" web application.
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Course Overview

In this course, you will cover the most important aspects of Spring Boot including auto-configuration, database integration, and webservices. Throughout this course, you will build a fully functional application called the “Elite Club” which any browser can connect to. The initial version of the application will expose one rest endpoint to return the hardcoded list of elite clubs. The subsequent chapter will be improving the application by adding new features. By the end of this course, you will be well e...Show More
In this course, you will cover the most important aspects of Spring Boot including auto-configuration, database integration, and...Show More

Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with developers' prerequisites and the benefits of using Spring Boot.


Getting Started With Spring Boot

7 Lessons

Unpack the core of creating, simplifying, and managing Spring Boot applications efficiently.


Auto-Configuration In Depth

3 Lessons

Work your way through Spring Boot's auto-configuration, debugging, and annotation mechanisms.


Expose Rest Webservice

6 Lessons

Solve problems in exposing RESTful web services using Spring Boot for CRUD operations.


Consuming Rest Webservice

4 Lessons

Tackle using Spring RestTemplate, connecting to APIs, and mapping properties for dynamic data.



3 Lessons

Utilize Spring Boot Actuator for effective monitoring and adaptability with Spring Boot profiles.


Final Words

2 Lessons

Get familiar with key Spring Boot concepts and explore upcoming technologies like GraphQL.
Certificate of Completion
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