Home>Courses>Exploring the Eventbrite APIs with Python



Certificate of Completion

Exploring the Eventbrite APIs with Python

Gain insights into managing events, creating a ticket checkout system, and developing a web app using Eventbrite API with Python, applicable to frameworks like Django.
Gain insights into managing events, creating a ticket checkout system, and developing a web app using Eventbrite API with Python, applicable to frameworks like Django.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

16 Lessons
37 Playgrounds
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

Eventbrite is a popular platform among event organizers. It is a well-designed management system that allows users to search, create, and publish events. Eventbrite also provides APIs to manage the events, which we can easily integrate into our applications. In this course, you will gain hands-on experience managing events and tickets. You will also create a checkout system for the sale of tickets using Eventbrite API. Towards the end of the course, you will develop a simple web application to demonstrate ...Show More
Eventbrite is a popular platform among event organizers. It is a well-designed management system that allows users to search, cr...Show More



API Integration

What You'll Learn

An understanding of the Eventbrite event management platform from the user’s perspective
Familiarity with the lifecycle of events in the Eventbrite platform and corresponding API endpoints
The ability to use Events, Orders, and Payment endpoints of Eventbrite API
Hands-on experience in building an application using Eventbrite API
An understanding of the Eventbrite event management platform from the user’s perspective

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Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with integrating the Eventbrite API using Python for efficient ticket management.


Managing Events

6 Lessons

Discover the logic behind managing events, venues, tickets, publishing, logos, and event statuses using Eventbrite API.


Order and Order Questions

3 Lessons

Break apart checkout integration, order retrieval, and custom question management with Eventbrite APIs.


Discount and Promo Code

2 Lessons

Find out about managing Eventbrite discounts via API, including creation, updating, retrieval, and deletion.



1 Lessons

Map out the steps for generating sales and attendee reports using Eventbrite API.


APIs Integration in Django

1 Lessons

Tackle integrating Eventbrite APIs in Django for effective event management.



1 Lessons

Build on your knowledge of Eventbrite API and explore further learning opportunities.

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