HomeCoursesDeveloping Fast and Secure APIs in Laravel


3h 40min

Developing Fast and Secure APIs in Laravel
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Gain insights into developing fast, secure APIs in Laravel. Delve into validation, testing, API resources, and Laravel Sanctum, useful for mobile app developers and third parties.
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Table of Contents
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Course Overview

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, and elegant syntax. In this course, you will be making API endpoints for a restaurant management system using Laravel. Laravel offers many features for developing and managing API endpoints quickly. During this course, you will use them and touch upon some very important features like validation, testing helpers, API resources, Laravel Sanctum, and more. Along the way, you will be tested with quizzes to evaluate your understanding. By the end of this...Show More
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, and elegant syntax. In this course, you will be making API endpoints for...Show More


Learn exposing API endpoints from Laravel web apps
Practise using some of the best Laravel features
Learn the Postman tool to manually test, manage, and share API endpoints with third parties
Learn exposing API endpoints from Laravel web apps

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Course Content


Introduction to the Course

2 Lessons

Get familiar with Laravel API development, utilizing Postman for effective endpoint testing.



5 Lessons

Solve challenges with user authentication, automated tests, and login mechanisms using Laravel's tools.



5 Lessons

Examine building and securing API endpoints for restaurant management in Laravel.


Menu Items

3 Lessons

Break down the steps to managing menu items, ensuring security, and optimizing API performance.



3 Lessons

Map out the steps for managing tables, implementing CRUD operations, and transitioning table states.



8 Lessons

Focus on designing efficient order schemas, booking tables, managing order items, and thorough testing.



2 Lessons

Build on Laravel's features for secure, maintainable, and scalable API development.



2 Lessons

Learn how to use Laravel setup and advanced Postman features for efficient API development.
Certificate of Completion
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