HomeCoursesGetting Financial Data Using YH Finance API in Python


1h 30min

Getting Financial Data Using YH Finance API in Python
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Gain insights into using the YH Finance API with Python. Explore account setup, querying historical and real-time data, and integrating the API into Django applications for financial data analysis.
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Course Overview

The YH Finance API allows developers to implement market and securities data directly into their applications. This course is a hands-on guide to the YH Finance API in Python. Get started with the API’s various endpoints. Learn more about the general API spec and how to set up an account to generate an API key on the YH Finance platform. Find out more on how to query historical and real-time data for stocks, ETFs, and similar securities. With direct access to market data, you’ll integrate the API endpoints...Show More
The YH Finance API allows developers to implement market and securities data directly into their applications. This course is a...Show More


Familiarize yourself with the YH Finance API.
Learn to retrieve securities data using the YH Finance API in Python.
Integrate the YH Finance API into your applications.
Familiarize yourself with the YH Finance API.

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Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with YH Finance API, its endpoints, and obtaining API keys for access.



9 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of retrieving, analyzing, and leveraging real-time and historical securities data using the YH Finance API.



2 Lessons

Examine retrieving market summaries and trending securities using the YH Finance API.


API Integration in Django

1 Lessons

Apply your skills to integrate YH Finance API in a Django application for finance data.



1 Lessons

Congratulations on mastering YH Finance API implementation and its continuous exploration.



2 Lessons

Tackle potential values for YH Finance API parameters and refreshing your API key.
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