Database Connection using SQLAlchemy

In this lesson, we will be exploring how to create a database connection in your Flask application by using SQLAlchemy.

Introduction #

Finally, in this chapter, we will learn to handle the data using a database. Up until now, we have been using some data structures like a dictionary, but in a real-world application, this approach is rarely, if ever, used. We will be using an SQL database and an object relation mapper to manipulate that database inside Flask.

📌 What is an ORM or object relation mapper? #

An ORM makes writing SQL queries easier for a programmer. It enables us to write queries in an object-oriented language, and then the ORM automatically translates it to SQL and retrieves the results in the form of objects!

Introduction to SQLAlchemy #

SQLAlchemy is a library in Python which allows us to manipulate SQL. It provides us with an easy to use ORM for SQL databases.

Introduction to Flask-SQLAlchemy #

Flask-SQLAlchemy is a Flask specific library that integrates the SQLAlchemy support with Flask applications. It provides extra helpers for common tasks that make it easier to work with Flask.

How to initiate a database connection #

That’s enough about theoretical concepts. Let’s dive deep into the programming aspect of databases. Initially, we must first create a database connection. We take the following steps to initiate the database connection:

Import SQLAlchemy #

We will first import the SQLAlchemy class from the flask_sqlalchemy module in the main application file of our project, i.e.,

from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

Set the config variable to the database file #

We will have to set a configuration variable in the application so that the application knows where the database file is located. The SQL database we are using is SQLite. Therefore, the file name will contain the prefix sqlite:/// followed by the actual path of the file. However, you can use any other SQL database with SQLAlchemy as well. Now, we will set the config variable SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI to point to this file.

app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///example.db'

Initialize the database connection #

Now, to complete the initialization, we just have to create an object of the SQLAlchemy class. We have to provide our application as a parameter to its constructor.

database = SQLAlchemy(app)

Complete implementation #

Let’s integrate the steps we discussed in the example we covered in the last chapter.

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