HomeCoursesFlask: Develop Web Applications in Python



Flask: Develop Web Applications in Python
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Gain insights into developing web applications using Flask, a lightweight and easy-to-learn Python framework. Delve into techniques that make you a sought-after full-stack developer.
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Course Overview

This project-based course is a detailed guide to web application development using the increasingly popular Flask framework. Flask is known for being simple, lightweight and having a small learning curve. If you've got some experience in Python, picking up Flask will be a breeze. It's got a booming job market and will put you on track to becoming an in-demand full-stack developer. What's not to love?
This project-based course is a detailed guide to web application development using the increasingly popular Flask framework. Fl...Show More



Full Stack Development

Web Development


Course Content


Before Getting Started

2 Lessons

Get familiar with the core skills in Flask and develop a practical web application.


Introduction to Flask

6 Lessons

Look at Flask's purpose, real-world usage, overarching architecture, and key supporting technologies.


First Flask Application

6 Lessons

Create your first Flask app, working with routes, views, and dynamic URL routing.


Static Files

4 Lessons

Solve problems in serving and integrating static files like CSS and images.



2 Lessons

Go hands-on with advanced Flask techniques and enhance your web development skills.
Certificate of Completion
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