

Implementing DataLoader with Apollo Server

Implementing DataLoader with Apollo Server

Learn how to use the DataLoader library with Apollo Server to drastically reduce the number of database queries a GraphQL application sends.

Our GraphQL backend is sending too many small individual requests, uncovering an important performance issue. We’d like to batch these requests together to reduce the number of queries and improve our application’s performance.

We’ll see how we can use a DataLoader library with Apollo Server and significantly optimize our application in this lesson.

Using DataLoader

To use the DataLoader library, we first need to add it to our project.

npm install --save dataloader

The library functionality is implemented in the DataLoader type, allowing the batching of multiple queries in a single request. We need to specify how to fetch data in our application. To do this, we need to create an instance of DataLoader and pass a function that can fetch multiple objects given a list of keys.

Press + to interact
const categoriesLoader = new DataLoader(async (keys) => {
// Fetch all categories at once
// we will implement this later

We have to define DataLoaders for categories and users collections since we want to batch requests to these collections. We don’t need to create a DataLoader for the products collection because we already fetched all products with a single query.

Once we have a DataLoader instance, we can use one of the few methods to load an object from a database:

  • load(key): Load a single