Troubleshooting Demo Application
Learn how to troubleshoot the demo application.
Here I’ve gathered a collection of common issues you might encounter when running a demo application.
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon
You might get the following error when you run the npm
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
To fix this you likely need to start Docker and re-run the command again
The frontend or Apollo Explorer do not work in my browser
Security policies in some browsers (most notably Brave) may not allow sending cookies from one domain to another. Try using Chrome to fix this issue.
Cannot find module
You might get the following error in a terminal when running an application or in a browser:
Error: Cannot find module 'apollo-server'
To fix this you need to re-install dependencies for a server or client project. To do this just run the following command:
npm install
Your local changes would be overwritten
You might get the following error when you try to switch to a different commit in the project repository:
git checkout <version-name>
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
This can happen if you’ve made some changes to the project and these changes interfere with switching to a different commit. To fix this save your changes if need to preserve them, and then do the following:
# In the root folder of the project
git checkout -- .
This will remove all locally made changes and will allow you to switch to a different commit.
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