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Getting Started with GraphQL
What is GraphQL?
Sending First GraphQL Queries
Advanced GraphQL Queries
Course Project Overview
Quiz: Getting Started with GraphQL
GraphQL Backend
Creating a Backend Project
Organizing the Backend Project
Implementing First Resolver
Nested Resolvers
How GraphQL Resolvers Work?
Passing Arguments to Queries
Exercise: Add Categories to the API
Setting-up a Database
Returning Data from a Database
Exercise: Read User Data from the Database
Implementing Mutations
Exercise: Implement a Mutation
Error Handling
Quiz: GraphQL Backend
Developing Frontend Application
Setting Up a React Application
Sending GraphQL Queries with Apollo Client
Using Variables in GraphQL Queries
Using Fragments
Exercise: GraphQL Queries
Sending Mutations with Apollo Client
Client Cache and GraphQL Mutations
Exercise: GraphQL Mutations
Quiz: Developing the Frontend Application
Protecting GraphQL API
Getting Started with GraphQL Authentication
Authentication and Authorization
Implementing the login Mutation
Authorization and the logOut Resolver
Authentication on the Frontend
Quiz: Protecting GraphQL API
Advanced GraphQL
DataLoader Pattern
Implementing DataLoader with Apollo Server
Exercise: Implementing DataLoader
Apollo Client Cache
Updating Apollo Client Cache
Optimistic Mutation
Pagination With GraphQL
Pagination With Apollo Client
Pagination and Cache
Testing GraphQL Applications
Quiz: Advanced GraphQL
Running Demo Application
Troubleshooting Demo Application
Building Full Stack Applications with GraphQL
Quiz: GraphQL Backend
Quiz: GraphQL Backend
Test your knowledge of the GraphQL backend.
We'll cover the following...