HomeCoursesFundamentals of Machine Learning: A Pythonic Introduction



Fundamentals of Machine Learning: A Pythonic Introduction
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Learn machine learning with scikit-learn, covering supervised learning, clustering, regression, SVMs, autoencoders, and ensemble methods through practical Python projects.
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Course Overview

This course focuses on core concepts, algorithms, and machine learning techniques. It explores the fundamentals, implements algorithms from scratch, and compares the results with scikit-learn, the Python machine learning library. This course contains examples, theoretical knowledge, and codes for various ML algorithms. You’ll start by learning the essentials of machine learning and its applications. Then, you’ll learn about supervised learning, clustering, and constructing a bag of visual words project, fo...Show More
This course focuses on core concepts, algorithms, and machine learning techniques. It explores the fundamentals, implements algo...Show More


An understanding of the fundamental machine learning algorithms
Proficiency in strong problem-solving skills through hands-on projects
Working knowledge of applying machine learning algorithms to real-world datasets, addressing classification, regression, clustering, and dimensionality reduction tasks
Hands-on experience assessing and comparing the performance of machine learning models
An understanding of the fundamental machine learning algorithms

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Course Content


Course Overview

2 Lessons

Get familiar with foundational machine learning concepts, hands-on projects, and algorithm implementation.


Generalized Linear Regression

8 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of generalized linear regression, kernel methods, and feature transformations.


Support Vector Machine

8 Lessons

Dig into Support Vector Machines for classification, leveraging hyperplanes, kernels, and optimization techniques.


Decoding Dimensions: PCA and Autoencoders

5 Lessons

Solve problems in dimensionality reduction using PCA, Autoencoders, and VAEs.



6 Lessons

Get started with CVXPY, mathematical and convex optimization, gradient descent, and Lagrangian duality.


Wrapping Up

1 Lessons

Examine the comprehensive introduction to machine learning using Python and practical applications.
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